Link here (designed for desktop).
The Cyan Cleanup and Collection Club (CCCC) is a small grassroots organization that collects and documents litter found on Planet Cyan, a jewel in the Chromeda system loved by locals and travelers alike, located approximately 7.2 light-years away.
*An archaic unit for the distance that light travels during one full rotation of Earth (the last centralized planet occupied by humans) around its star. Approximately 5.879e12 ens.

Link here (designed for desktop, mobile OK).
A Twine adaptation of Octavia Butler’s short story, “Blood Child”. I used SugarCube v2 and a bit of CSS for implementation. The background was drawn with a felt tip and inverted in Photoshop.
Link here (designed for desktop, mobile OK).
A landscape that changes gradually according to the time of day. The sky shifts from bright blue to navy; the sun moves across the screen. My first project using CSS.
You can see what the clock looks like at different times in this demo (5 am, 12 pm, 12 am).
Link here (designed for desktop). A very short hypertext narrative about an unplanned trip to Japan.
Blue spy (April 2024)
Link here (designed for desktop, scroll to interact). An adaptation of the comic by Remy Charlip. A short project I made to learn Three.js, completed in a few days.
Davey (December 2023)